Environmental justice in Latin America and the Caribbean:

Legal empowerment of the poor in the context of climate change

Authors: Michael MacLennan and Leisa Perch

The article explores how marginalized communities, especially indigenous peoples, bear a disproportionate burden from environmental degradation and climate change impacts. It discusses the poverty-inequality-environment nexus in the region and evolving notions of environmental justice. The authors analyze legal frameworks, international conventions, and social movements aimed at securing rights, access to justice, and benefit-sharing for these groups regarding natural resource exploitation. Case studies highlight efforts around land rights, community consultations, and challenges like REDD+ initiatives. The article argues for legal empowerment strategies to promote inclusive, sustainable development by enhancing marginalized groups’ capacity to exercise economic rights effectively.

Topics Explored:

  •  Disproportionate environmental impact on poor and indigenous people
  •  Latin America and Caribbean as examples
  •  Importance of land and resource rights for marginalized groups
  •  New laws and agreements protecting rights of marginalized communities
  •  Indigenous advocacy and protests for ancestral land rights
  •  Potential conflict between REDD+ and indigenous land rights
  •  Empowering marginalized groups for fair, sustainable development
  •  Addressing gender inequalities faced by poor women

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In the tumultuous aftermath of disasters, it is easy to feel isolated and alone, but you are not.

We, a network of Caribbean-wide community organizers who stand in solidarity with those affected the twin threats of the climate crises and disaster capitalism, a phenomenon that exacerbates the suffering of vulnerable communities.

We want you to know that your stories matter. We are here to listen, to support, and to amplify your voices.

We believe that together, we can challenge the forces of disaster capitalism and advocate for more sustainable, inclusive and equitable decision-making.

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Offer Suppport

As the wider world braces for the climate change, Caribbean communities are already struggling with its effects. Small local communities, small scale farmers and coastal communities are disproportionately affected. Political decisions, power dynamics and laws often compound the catastrophes and silence bottom up solutions.

There are ways in which you can help.




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