Stronger Newsletters

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Stronger Caribbean Together (SCT) NEWSLETTER 1, May 2024

United against Disaster Capitalism in the Caribbean Region:
Resisting, protecting and reshaping the Caribbean

Editors’ note

As we reflect on the events taking place in our Stronger Caribbean Together (SCT) Network (January to May 2024), it’s evident that our ongoing efforts to combat disaster capitalism in the Caribbean are more critical than ever. It’s crucial to stay informed and vigilant as we navigate these challenges together. In this edition, we have an exclusive feature from one of our partners in Haiti, and share spotlights on our partners in Barbuda, Cayman Islands, Grenada, and Guyana. These features aim to shed light on the challenges faced by communities in our region. Additionally, this newsletter will share information on upcoming network activities, to strengthen collaboration and resilience in the face of adversity. We also invite you to keep tuned to our website for updates on our podcasts and webinars, where we explore key issues and share insightful discussions from our partners in their fight for justice. Lastly, we invite you to participate in our upcoming events and continue the conversation on our website and social media platforms.

Introducing our Stronger Caribbean Together Newsletter

In the midst of the ongoing local and regional challenges, our newsletter aims to strengthen the bonds of unity and solidarity across this Caribbean network. We aspire for it to serve as a platform for understanding the prevailing challenges and identifying transformative opportunities as one of the outcomes of sharing our experiences and cases. Our goal is to continue amplifying the voices of communities grappling with the injustices of disaster capitalism and the barriers of intersectional injustices, inequality and inequity being shaped along the lines of racialism, classism, patriarchalism, ageism and ableism.

By spotlighting these issues through our communication strategy, we aim to safeguard the rich Caribbean culture and environment. This encompasses equitable access to land, defense of ancestral values deeply linked to land management and traditional practices, food sovereignty, youth and gender rights, and championing for dignified housing, among other crucial endeavors. 

Stronger Caribbean Together Activities

Podcast Series

Our latest podcast, featuring voices from across the Caribbean as they share their general knowledge and accounts of their experiences in the struggle against disaster capitalism and its many faces. Join Episode 3: Collective Planting with La Colmena Cimarrona and Agroprovidencia, where Marcela Ampudia from Agroprovidencia, Providence, Colombia, and Ana Elisa Perez, from La Colmena Cimarrona, Vieques, Puerto Rico, share how their organizations striving for food sovereignty in their respective territories, but also rely on creative funding methods like social media and partnerships. They address disaster capitalism’s exploitation post-disasters, emphasizing community resilience. Listen to the podcast.

Know Your Rights Virtual (*Closed) Workshop (April 30, 2024)

Across the Caribbean, we could strengthen the knowledge to resist our struggles in the fight of disaster capitalism injustices. Based on what our Stronger Caribbean Together network partners have highlighted, this virtual workshop helped the participating communities to address legal strategies and legal information to innovate solutions for their biggest legal challenges or issues against systematic land displacement and dispossession, expanding a vision for Caribbean sovereignty and unity. Supported by Global Legal Action Network (GLAN) and the participation of Garden Court Chambers members Dr. Amanda Byer, Leslie Thomas and Thalia Maragh, and Save Barbuda partners Jackie Frank, John Mussington and Gulliver Johnson.

Disaster Capitalism in the Caribbean Webinar Series: Youth, Gender, Environment and Climate Justice in the Caribbean (May 8, 2024)

Our third webinar event hosted a valuable platform for an in-depth discussion of crucial issues that affect our region and its people. The event shed light on the critical issues surrounding environmental rights, environmental justice for youth and the gendered impact of disaster capitalism in our region. Diving on these topics, the webinar opened and interesting path to work toward a more equitable and sustainable future and understand how women, youth, indigenous peoples, and other groups are unequally impacted by climate change as well as the roles these groups play not only in resisting disaster capitalism but advocating and or working for justice across the Caribbean. Enjoy the event recording.

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© SCT 2024. Editorial team: Dr. Patricia Northover, Dr. Tomaso Ferrando, David Barreto, Ms. Kristinia Doughorty, and Ms. Samiyyah Andrewin

SCT Contributors: Dr. Képler Aurélien, Ms. Christine Samwaroo, Ms. Em De Cou, Ms. Anika Redhead, Ms. Kriss Davies

The Disaster Capitalism in the Caribbean Region project is supported by The University of the West Indies, and the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies. It is funded by the Open Society Foundations.

Get Connected

In the tumultuous aftermath of disasters, it is easy to feel isolated and alone, but you are not.

We, a network of Caribbean-wide community organizers who stand in solidarity with those affected the twin threats of the climate crises and disaster capitalism, a phenomenon that exacerbates the suffering of vulnerable communities.

We want you to know that your stories matter. We are here to listen, to support, and to amplify your voices.

We believe that together, we can challenge the forces of disaster capitalism and advocate for more sustainable, inclusive and equitable decision-making.

Join us in solidarity. Share your experiences and let’s build strong communities that thrive together.

Offer Suppport

As the wider world braces for the climate change, Caribbean communities are already struggling with its effects. Small local communities, small scale farmers and coastal communities are disproportionately affected. Political decisions, power dynamics and laws often compound the catastrophes and silence bottom up solutions.

There are ways in which you can help.




Cayman Islands




Puerto Rico




Cayman Islands





Puerto Rico


Legal Associates

Institutional Support