2024 Manifesto

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The Caribbean is a rich tapestry of cultures, languages, and histories, but also a region shaped by transversal forms of violence such as the present legacy of colonialism and slavery, climate change, growing food insecurity, and the lack of public  policies that adopt a people and ecology centered vision of ‘development’. This Manifesto embraces the Caribbean diversity in the common struggles, strengthens regional unity, promotes a collective vision that arises from the experience and aspirations of the Caribbean people, and fosters a joint response that is based on meaningful reparation and restoration and the principles of justice.

The undersigned are representatives of thirteen civil societies, indigenous people’s organizations and academic institutions from across the whole Caribbean region. We gathered on July 1 and 2, 2024, under the umbrella of the Stronger Caribbean Together Network to consolidate our connections and build a joint vision for the future of the Caribbean that is rooted in the territories, the lived experiences of people, our rights and common ambitions. We urge the regional governments and all actors involved in shaping the present and future of the Caribbean to commit to the implementation of the following points.

Food Sovereignty for Self-Determination and Decolonization

No region and no people will be free and autonomous until food sovereignty as “the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems” is attained.

Read MoreOctober 10, 2024

Intersectional Justice for the Caribbean

Intersectional Justice for the Caribbean Intersectional justice indicates the need to recognize racism as a structural component of the capitalist system, but not the only form of oppression experienced by people racialized as non-white. Along with race, individuals and groups may be discriminated against on the basis of gender, class, physical capacity and other visible … Continue reading "Intersectional Justice...

Read MoreOctober 10, 2024

Democratic Governance and Just ‘Development’

Democratic Governance and Just ‘Development’ The Caribbean has been at the core of the colonialist project, the heart of racial capitalism and the universalization of unecological and violent visions for the people and the planet. For centuries, communities and territories were excluded from the decision-making processes and deprived of their right to self-determination. This has … Continue reading "Democratic Governance...

Read MoreOctober 10, 2024

United Against Disaster Capitalism (2024 Manifesto)

United Against Disaster Capitalism The whole of the Caribbean accounts for less than 10% of the annual greenhouse gas emissions and have contributed with just a fraction of the historical contamination. However, the countries and the people of the Caribbean are at the forefront of the violence of climate change and extreme weather events. The … Continue reading "United Against...

Read MoreOctober 10, 2024

Access to justice

Access to justice The struggle for a fair and equitable society in the Caribbean depends on the guarantee of effective, universal and safe access to justice. Although social transformation cannot only happen via courts, access to justice and adequate responses can play a crucial role in ensuring that historically vulnerable individuals and communities can swiftly … Continue reading "Access to...

Read MoreOctober 10, 2024

Reparations, Restoration, and Decolonization

Meaningful reparations, restoration and decolonization are three essential concepts that must be upheld to address historical and ongoing injustices faced by Caribbean communities.

Read MoreOctober 10, 2024

Get Connected

In the tumultuous aftermath of disasters, it is easy to feel isolated and alone, but you are not.

We, a network of Caribbean-wide community organizers who stand in solidarity with those affected the twin threats of the climate crises and disaster capitalism, a phenomenon that exacerbates the suffering of vulnerable communities.

We want you to know that your stories matter. We are here to listen, to support, and to amplify your voices.

We believe that together, we can challenge the forces of disaster capitalism and advocate for more sustainable, inclusive and equitable decision-making.

Join us in solidarity. Share your experiences and let’s build strong communities that thrive together.

Offer Suppport

As the wider world braces for the climate change, Caribbean communities are already struggling with its effects. Small local communities, small scale farmers and coastal communities are disproportionately affected. Political decisions, power dynamics and laws often compound the catastrophes and silence bottom up solutions.

There are ways in which you can help.




Cayman Islands




Puerto Rico




Cayman Islands





Puerto Rico


Legal Associates

Institutional Support