The Breadfruit Collective is a registered NGO based in Guyana that operates at the critical intersection of Gender and Environmental Justice. With an intersectional lens and a whole-of-society approach, their work encompasses a wide range of issues, including Youth Development, Mental Health, Transformative Education, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Period Poverty, Gender-Based Violence, LGBTQIA+ Justice, Disability Justice, and Abortion Access.

The organization’s mission is rooted in the belief that a healthy society cannot exist without fostering positive relationships with women, girls, and the environment. Through policy advocacy, self-healing initiatives, mentorship, and leadership training, The Breadfruit Collective empowers women and girls in the fight against the climate crisis, gender inequality, and gender-based violence. Their work recognizes the climate crisis as a feminist issue, necessitating intersectional solutions that address the unique challenges faced by women and girls.

The Breadfruit Collective is committed to building a resilient movement through community partnerships and collaborations across Guyana and the diaspora. Their work is guided by the principles of intersectionality, intergenerational inclusivity, and a determination to challenge the status quo and create a better future.

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Get Connected

In the tumultuous aftermath of disasters, it is easy to feel isolated and alone, but you are not.

We, a network of Caribbean-wide community organizers who stand in solidarity with those affected the twin threats of the climate crises and disaster capitalism, a phenomenon that exacerbates the suffering of vulnerable communities.

We want you to know that your stories matter. We are here to listen, to support, and to amplify your voices.

We believe that together, we can challenge the forces of disaster capitalism and advocate for more sustainable, inclusive and equitable decision-making.

Join us in solidarity. Share your experiences and let’s build strong communities that thrive together.

Offer Suppport

As the wider world braces for the climate change, Caribbean communities are already struggling with its effects. Small local communities, small scale farmers and coastal communities are disproportionately affected. Political decisions, power dynamics and laws often compound the catastrophes and silence bottom up solutions.

There are ways in which you can help.




Cayman Islands




Puerto Rico




Cayman Islands





Puerto Rico


Legal Associates

Institutional Support