Stronger Caribbean Together 2024 Workshop

In this groundbreaking workshop, representatives from across the Caribbean united to confront disaster capitalism and chart a course towards climate justice. Ideas shared espouse resilience, sustainability, and equity, rooted in decolonization and community empowerment. We invite others to reflect on these, share them widely, and join us in our calls to safeguard our Caribbean home for current and future generations.


Key Concepts Explored

This workshop explored the intersection of environmental change, economic exploitation, and community resilience, examining the impact of disaster capitalism in the Caribbean strategies for promoting climate justice.

Inclusive Approaches to Environmental Challenges

Recognize that environmental challenges affect communities differently and create inclusive solutions addressing the needs of all, especially the most vulnerable.

Ensure Green Accountability

Require developers to restore what they use, ensuring sustainable development and holding corporations responsible for their environmental impact on communities.

People's Budget, People's Say

Implement participatory budgeting to give communities direct say in resource allocation, addressing local priorities and fostering civic engagement.


Break the Chains of Unjust Debt

 Advocate for debt forgiveness, especially for Haiti, to allow investment in people, infrastructure, and a sustainable future. 

Our Land Our Heritage

Protect indigenous and community land rights to preserve biodiversity, cultural heritage, and sustainable livelihoods. Cap foreign land grabs to ensure community-driven development.

Reclaim Our Shores, Stop Seafront Privatization​

Public access to beaches, rivers, and natural resources is a fundamental right. Stop privatization to preserve cultural practices and protect ecosystems from exploitation.

Global Emissions, Caribbean Burden: A Call for Climate Justice

The Caribbean Region is bearing a disproportionate burden of the climate impacts of emissions produced largely by economic activity in the Global North. We implore the Global North to acknowledge the moral obligation to help the affected region survive the effects of climate change, and support climate adaptation through funding.


Ocean Rights are Human Rights

Protect our maritime heritage to safeguard livelihoods, food security, and the health of our marine ecosystems.

Seek to Restore Ecological Balance

Pursue ecological reparations to address historical injustices, restore degraded environments, and create a sustainable foundation for future generations.

Community Health Over Investor Greed

Prioritize community well-being over investor interests, ensuring resources benefit locals, preserve cultural and environmental integrity, and create sustainable economic opportunities.

Nurturing Nature, Nurturing Communities

Investing in ecological restoration creates thriving environments that benefit all, supporting local livelihoods and ensuring sustainable development for generations.

Decolonize Our Future

Liberating our minds and systems from colonial influences allows us to reclaim our identity, empower local knowledge, and build a future reflecting our values.

Community-Led Development Beyond Politics

Empower local communities to lead their own long-term, sustainable development that transcends electoral cycles and builds lasting resilience.

Begin to Right Historical Economic Wrongs

 France’s ransom and the confiscation of Haiti’s gold reserves stalled the nation’s growth. Returning them is crucial for rectifying historical wrongs and facilitate Haiti’s economic recovery.  

Empower communities to Seek and Obtain Environmental Justice

Ratify the Escazu Agreement and promote its effective implementation to strengthen environmental governance and public participation.  

Get Connected

In the tumultuous aftermath of disasters, it is easy to feel isolated and alone, but you are not.

We, a network of Caribbean-wide community organizers who stand in solidarity with those affected the twin threats of the climate crises and disaster capitalism, a phenomenon that exacerbates the suffering of vulnerable communities.

We want you to know that your stories matter. We are here to listen, to support, and to amplify your voices.

We believe that together, we can challenge the forces of disaster capitalism and advocate for more sustainable, inclusive and equitable decision-making.

Join us in solidarity. Share your experiences and let’s build strong communities that thrive together.

Offer Suppport

As the wider world braces for the climate change, Caribbean communities are already struggling with its effects. Small local communities, small scale farmers and coastal communities are disproportionately affected. Political decisions, power dynamics and laws often compound the catastrophes and silence bottom up solutions.

There are ways in which you can help.




Cayman Islands




Puerto Rico




Cayman Islands





Puerto Rico


Legal Associates

Institutional Support